Blogs By Tif

It has been a long time since I posted. I have to admit that I got caught up in my own battle with believing “I CAN”. The ironic thing is, I have never stopped pushing through my challenges. I guess that I just needed to step back and focus on my own fight for awhile so I could be my strongest when encouraging others to believe in I CAN. 

I was a runner, running was my life, it defined me or at least this is what I thought. I have discovered that I was so wrong. I fought a good fight when my body gave me the middle finger, telling me that it didn’t want to run anymore. I went to so many doctors, was poked, injected, twisted, stretched and on and on. I was devastated, depressed and lost. 

I cannot lie, it took a while to accept that I wouldn’t run again and it took even longer to realize that running did not define me. I thought that I gave up by accepting that my body couldn’t handle running anymore. I thought that I was a failure because I didn’t search one more doctor after seeing at least 15 throughout the years. Then I finally realized that I am so much more than a fast runner and I know that I CAN do so many other things that I set my mind to. Life is good!